8th Principle
Reparation Work
8th Principle Reparation Work {as needed} ($325 an hour)
Unfortunately, previous experiences have necessitated this component be included when working with non-Indigenous groups
Our team will stop any component of the weekend workshop to immediately address these concerns
Billing of our services as Indigenous guests taking necessary, immediate action with your congregation to dismantle white supremacy culture, oppression, anti-Indigenous racism, transphobia, or other harmful behaviour will begin when the harm has occurred
We understand that this may become costly in terms of fees paid to our team for restorative processes and we believe it is far more costly to our selves, our congregations, our faith, our community, and our future to leave these harms unnamed and this reparative work undone
It is not a cost that marginalized individuals & communities will be carrying any longer by doing unpaid emotional labour “for the greater good”
Nor will harmed individuals & communities wait for the “proper” external entities to be consulted, negotiated with, and engaged to begin a process days, weeks, months, or even years after the harm has happened
These reparative processes will be considered complete when the harmed parties determine the work has concluded to the satisfaction of the harmed parties
Should your congregation or organization refuse to complete the restorative process (“walks away from the process”), our team will determine that a toxic impasse has been reached & we will bill according to hours spent on the restorative work AND a non-compliance fee of $3000