ILUC Workshops
Weekend Workshops

Fall by Wendy Red Star

bring Indigenous Led Unlearning Conversations
to your Community

Building Relationships 

After many experiences within Unitarian Universalists spaces, we realized we needed to create our own platform to center Indigenous Peoples, cultures, & traditions; to share our Indigenous Knowledge and to provide accompaniment on the journey towards wholeness as our non-Indigenous relatives unlearn and decolonize their understanding of Indigenous People.

Please read a little about why we are proactively offering Indigenous-led, Indigenous-created programming rather than to be “included” in once a year programming and then ignored or mistreated. In the lived experiences of Native Peoples, there is a recurring phenomena known as the Toy Store & The Toy Store Indian. 

To honour Native American Heritage Month 2023, the ILUC co-facilitators have decided to begin offering in-person Unlearning Workshops to non-Indigenous organizations, learning institutions, and congregations.

In-person Indigenous Led Unlearning Conversations can have many forms. Our facilitators can come to your organization, school, or congregation and provide a variety of workshop formats to fit the needs of your community. We provide modified Indigenous Led Unlearning Conversation assemblies and in-class ILUCs based on the subject and material being studied for learning institutions from elementary schools to college class. We offer ILUCs  to help organizations' administrative leadership teams unlearn colonial structures which continue to cause harm. We focus on anti-racism and anti-oppression through decolonizing and Indigenizing hierarchical structures and policies. We engage congregations through a multi-generational immersive weekend with a workshop and an Indigenized service. 

For congregations interested in Weekend Workshops, please see our Weekend Workshops Topics for the available weekends & ILUC topics being offered in November & December 2023 AND January & February 2024. The dates for each weekend are linked to our interest forms. Our site will be updated to reflect when an organization or congregation commits to a particular weekend. We are currently in discussion with a handful of congregations. We expect Weekend Workshops to be filled quickly.  

For organizations & educational institutions, please use this form to submit your information regarding bringing a ILUC to your organization/educational institution.

Detailed guidelines and fees are outlined at the link. Current fees are based on UUA, UUMA, & LREDA guidelines as the Indigenous Led Unlearning Conversations AND the American Indian Educational Talks & Documentaries were begun in Unitarian Universalist spaces. However, as ILUC & AIETD are NOT Unitarian Universalist programs, we reserve the right to base our fee structures on non UU guidelines, as well.  Please note that some of our fees have a non-negotiable 30% adjusted Reparation fee.

 As Indigenous women and 2 Spirit individuals we claim autonomy and are free to determine our own worth.

Unfortunately, previous experiences have necessitated this component be included when working with non-Indigenous groups. If there were any concerns regarding micro or macro aggressions/anti-Indigenous racism/transphobia/other oppressions, our team will stop any component of the weekend workshop to immediately address these concerns. Billing of our services as Indigenous guests taking necessary, immediate action with your congregation to dismantle white supremacy culture, oppression, anti-Indigenous racism, transphobia, or other harmful behaviour will begin when the harm has occurred.